Github Readme vs Wikis

Mohammad Kashif Sulaiman
3 min readJan 29, 2021

Github Recommendations:

A README file quickly tells what your project can do, while you can use a wiki to provide additional documentation. Reference

Editor Features Comparision

  1. (No editor tools)

2. Wikis (Editor tools exist)

Conclusion: Wikis WON

Footer, Sidebar & Search Comparison

  1. (No feature exists)
  2. Wikis (Default Sidebar along with Search feature, custom footer and sidebar available)

Conclusion: Wikis WON

VCS Comparison

  1. has branches, history management, commit message with author name, etc
  2. Wikis also has all the above-mentioned things, but a PR (Pull Request) can’t be created for a branch, it should be directly merged to master via Github CLI.

Conclusion: WON

Multiple Pages Comparison

  1. New pages can be created but we need to mention the list for the new pages (along with a link) every time in the required

2. Wikis: New pages can be easily created and listed by creating a file in the Wiki Repo or just by clicking on “New Page”

Conclusion: Wikis WON

File Extension Comparison

  1. uses .md extension
  2. Wikis also use .md extension

Conclusion: No one WON or Both Won

Repo Comparison

  1. Same project repo is used for maintaining
  2. Different repo is used for maintaining Wikis

Conclusion: Wikis WON

Personal Opinion:

I would go for Github recommendation which prefers for longer documents, we should use Wikis.
All others are positives, the most important one is that you can quickly create pages (along with a list), and format easily your document whereas this will be a little time taking in the case

The negative one is that PR can’t be created, so if there are multiple contributors to WIKIS, it will be difficult to review and comment for a change.

If you have a team that has to maintain a longer document, What’s your opinion? What to use? Wikis or

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